PS 241 EMMA L JOHNSTON, Enrollment, Logo


PS 241 Emma L Johnston

With more choices than ever, parents want something for their

children that takes a step up from traditional education.

PS 241 is blazing new trails in our community-oriented, academically outstanding learning environment. We're here to change the status quo by empowering every child to be a lifelong learner and productive member of a global society. Advanced learners in grades 3-5 enjoy the gifted and talented classes, and all students benefit from the right balance of challenge and support.

New frontiers await.

Let's chart a course together.

Our educational approach is dynamic and interactive, focusing on a well-rounded STEAM-based curriculum in a nurturing and cooperative setting. PS 241 stands as a united community where emotional and social support is a collective responsibility. Each child is assured of access to compassionate adults for guidance at any time. 

PS 241 EMMA L JOHNSTON, Expanding Universe, Vocabulary Grammar, Reading Comprehension

Expanding the Universe

Prioritizing literacy, we emphasize more than foundational language skills like phonics, vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. Dedicated teachers inject excitement into exploring the realms of reading and writing, understanding that avid readers evolve into lifelong learners. Our students are strong to the core with a holistic, data-driven approach to teaching.

PS 241 EMMA L JOHNSTON, Literacy-focused Activities, NYS ELA

Unlocking Possibilities

The science program combines practical experiments, literacy-focused activities, and engaging digital resources, enabling students to adopt the mindset and skills of scientists and engineers, and mathematics is a daily subject. Results? Our students' performance in the NYS ELA and math tests consistently exceeds both district and city averages.


For Extraordinary Students

We strive to ensure that each day is filled with enjoyable and captivating activities for your child, encouraging their innate curiosity and eagerness to explore new things. For example, our kindergarten to fifth-grade students study the Mandarin language. Parents and guardians take comfort in knowing their children are not only receiving a comprehensive education with a wide variety of experiences but are also secure, active, and fully immersed both during and after school hours.

Our school benefits from an excellent location and partner cultural institutions like The Brooklyn Museum, The Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Prospect Park, and The Central Branch of The Brooklyn Public Library. We provide a diverse range of arts and extracurricular activities, including coding classes, tutoring, after-school care, violin, chess, chorus, tennis, soccer, and swimming. Every day is exciting at PS 241!


For Extraordinary Students

We strive to ensure that each day is filled with enjoyable and captivating activities for your child, encouraging their innate curiosity and eagerness to explore new things. For example, our kindergarten to fifth-grade students study the Mandarin language. Parents and guardians take comfort in knowing their children are not only receiving a comprehensive education with a wide variety of experiences but are also secure, active, and fully immersed both during and after school hours.

Our school benefits from an excellent location and partner cultural institutions like The Brooklyn Museum, The Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Prospect Park, and The Central Branch of The Brooklyn Public Library. We provide a diverse range of arts and extracurricular activities, including coding classes, tutoring, after-school care, violin, chess, chorus, tennis, soccer, and swimming. Every day is exciting at PS 241!

We're All In!

NYC community schools represent a collaborative effort between the school, families, and the broader community to ensure kids are ready to learn in every aspect – physically, emotionally, and socially. PS 241 is a vital hub in our neighborhood, offering access to programs like healthcare, mentorship, extended learning, adult education, and other services that nurture the whole child, empower families, and strengthen the community. As a community school, we offer vision, dental, and mental health care on our campus. We're in this together!

A little help can change everything.

PS 241 EMMA L JOHNSTON, After-school Care

After-School Care

Families are busy and our students love school life. We extend the love by offering after-school care programs.

PS 241 EMMA L JOHNSTON, Free meals, Breakfast, Lunch

Free Meals

Healthy minds require healthy bodies. PS 241 provides free meals to qualifying students, including breakfast and lunch.

PS 241 EMMA L JOHNSTON, MetroCard, Transportation


We provide bussing for eligible students and MetroCards that work across all MTA buses and subways for three trips daily per card, plus transfers, between the hours of 5:30 AM and 8 PM.

PS 241 EMMA L JOHNSTON, Parent University, Free Course, Resources, Events, Activities

Parent University

Parent University seeks to educate and empower families as partners, advocates, and lifelong educators in their student's education through free courses, resources, events, and activities.

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